Because of a bug that duplicates gold in the new world players are being barred from participating

New World has gained a great deal of popularity since its release, but it has also encountered a number of issues, the most notable of which have been gameplay flaws and glitches, which have been particularly prevalent in recent weeks. For its part, the effects of a recent glitch appear to be having a significant impact on the New World community, both in terms of the glitch itself and in terms of Amazon's attempts to suppress the glitch.

The gold duplication bug in New World, which has earned the nickname "gold dupe glitch," is believed by some players to have been accidentally introduced into the game alongside the long-awaited server transfer feature, which gave rise to the nickname "gold dupe glitch."It was discovered that a small number of transferred characters were affected by a bug known as Character_Persist_Failure, which caused the characters to become unusable after they had been transferred to another account. They were able to send gold to other characters who were not affected by the bug and then log out, only to find that the gold they had sent was still in their inventories when they returned to the game as a result of this bug. Server transfers were immediately halted, and Amazon is now preparing to deal with the fallout from players taking advantage of the exploit in-game, which is currently under investigation, according to a statement.

Following the discovery of the glitch, Amazon has stated that it plans to ban players who exploited it for the purpose of cheating, which could be construed as a reasonable response given the circumstances. Although it stated that it intended to go a step further in the future, it also stated that it intended to remove gold and other items from the game if it determined that it was necessary. A lack of specifics suggests that Amazon intends to remove not only the duplicated gold, but also any items purchased with the cheap New World gold, which would be a significant loss for customers. However, it is unclear where the company intends to draw the line in this matter at this point. As a result, Amazon has stated that New World server transfers will be suspended until the problem has been resolved.

If you've taken advantage of the glitch, you may have noticed that you're unable to log into the account that's associated with your character or characters. According to Amazon, the problem should be resolved within two hours; however, if the problem continues for an extended period of time, players should contact customer service for assistance. Although the inability to log in is a result of the gold dupe bug, it does not appear to be related to the temporary New World bans that will be implemented as a result of this bug.

According to various news sources, the fact that New World was experiencing an economic crisis even before the gold dupe glitch was discovered may be of interest to gamers. Since gold is becoming increasingly scarce, players are currently confronted with an unusual situation in which gold is being removed from circulation at a faster rate than it can be replaced, causing the value of gold to soar as a result. Players nearing the end of the game are particularly vulnerable to this because they no longer have quests that can be relied on to provide them with a consistent source of income. The player who does not have enough gold to participate in key features such as crafting, homeownership, or item repair may decide to hoard his or her gold rather than barter with other players in order to supplement their income. It is possible that the player base's exploitation of the gold dupe glitch has been accelerated as a result of the current crisis.
Posted in Default Category on December 27 2022 at 03:43 AM

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