Why people in Europe and the United States bleach their hair blonde so often but the quality of thei

In point of fact, this is not the situation at all. The regular use of bleach and dye by people in Europe and the United States is another factor that degrades the quality of their hair. In addition, the quality of the hair of people from Europe and the United States is thinner and softer than the hair of people from Asia, whose hair is more prone to damage. Even the most effective hair care products have limited efficacy against the damaging effects of dryness and breakage in the hair. The following are some of the possible explanations for this impression, in addition to the survivor bias:1. The individual strands of hair have a lighter color overall. It had a variety of colors in the past, including brown, red, and flaxen, but it was never blonde. It does not need to be bleached to the point where the roots of the hair are exposed, nor does it need to be bleached to an excessive degree. The scalp suffered only minor injuries as a result of the incident. After the hair has had time to grow out, it can be considered presentable and does not require bleaching as frequently. According to the potential chain of contempt for hair color in both Europe and the United States, those with black, brown, or blonde hair are in the upper reaches of the chain.

People who frequently bleach their blonde hair may in fact have a majority of their hair be in the intermediate color range. On the other hand, blonde hair requires more maintenance, which can be used as a status symbol to indicate a high level of wealth.

2. Because of the high cost of haircuts in Europe and the United States in general, the hair bleaching products that are used are of a much higher quality. Barbershops in other countries may charge hundreds of pounds or euros per knife, which, when converted to dollars, may amount to thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars. Because of the price, most barbers do not need to make casual use of the product; unless they come across a tony with extremely low skills, the damage that can be done at this time is limited. It is challenging to provide a warranty on the lotion that is used in domestic small barbershops. If you have a hair bleaching lotion, you can find a friend who is really experienced and good at operating it, or you can find a patient tony to operate it. Do it yourself, and when you dye, create a gradient on the top. You should give yourself permission to tolerate the top burst, and you shouldn't try to make up too much ground in one year.3. Contrary to popular belief, not everyone has their hair dyed. There are many fashionistas in Europe and the United States who are familiar with the use of wigs, and there are also temporary hair dyes.

The majority of regular people will replace their wigs if they become too damaged to wear them. There are also hair extensions that have been damaged but are still an improvement over bleached hair, particularly highlighted hair extensions. In any case, the majority of the genes responsible for naturally blond hair are not pure, which means that melanin will form on its own, and it is normal for the hair roots to be deeper. Since Asia is relevant to the discussion overall, I'll just mention it for the sake of completeness. The bleaching of hair in Japan is actually of a fairly high quality. The situation in South Korea is not very transparent. I am aware that the frequent tossing involved in kpop will, in addition, cause damage to the hair quality (but since it is probably considered to be frequent, this is acceptable). I don't know if it's because the industry is more regulated, or if it's because there is a higher demand for hair bleaching caused by the Harajuku style, or if it's because the idea of not hurting hair is more popular in Asian hairdressing.


I don't know


- But I do know that it's happening

- However, both perming and styling may become less important because the typical cherry blossom girl is probably an expert in personal grooming

Posted in Default Category on February 14 2023 at 09:51 AM

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