No matter if you're passing an examination for a drug or want the excitement of having a pee in front of acquaintances, this high-end kit offers realism as well as the convenience. The kit comes with a medical grade vinyl pouch with lifelike prosthetic (available in 5 authentic skin colors) and four heating pads, and Golden Shower synthetic urine sample and everything you need to recreate an authentically realistic simulation of urine!

What is WhizzinATOR Touch? Function?

Whizzinator Touch is a urinating device that is designed to replicate natural urine and fool lab specialists in drug testing. However, its effectiveness depends on users following all instructions with care; however, its effectiveness is not guaranteed because of issues with temperature and odor concerns.

The Whizzinator kit contains five false penises for skin tone and organic heat packs that produce a real-life body temperature for up to eight hours. Also included is laboratory-grade Gold'n Shower dehydrated synthetic urine which is the same color, smell particular gravity, as well as refill instructions for effortless simulations in the production of natural urine, and a handy syringe to use for refilling, and comprehensive instruction manuals.

Before using, you must make sure you fill the reservoir with synthetic urine with a needle provided. close off the port using its clamp, and then activate the heating pad prior to securing to your waist. Press the shaft of your prosthetic at the time you're ready disperse synthetic urine. Stop at the point where you're done. The hidden valve to turn off the flow is found above it will allow you to start or stop the flow at any point you'd like.

How to Operate

WhizzinATOR Touch WhizzinATOR Touch is a top synthetic urine prosthetic device that is famous for its ingenuous design and realism. With over 15 years of outstanding quality and reliability Its innovative, discrete solution made it possible to provide users with security and peace of mind by providing an highly secure medical grade pouch and a realistic prosthetics that fit seamlessly under clothes.

Utilizing WhizzinATOR WhizzinATOR is easy and straightforward All it takes is mixing the synthetic urine into water prior to injecting it with one of the syringes into a prosthetic body component. Furthermore, this kit has heating pads to keep urine temperatures at a constant level as well as detailed instructions. It's better to learn this here now or go to the official website of our company for complete information about SYNTHETIC PEE.

Controlling Temperature

Most people fret about being able to pass urine drug tests while at work. The lab specialists supervise these tests as failure to pass may be a reason for dismissal. The Whizzinator 2023 synthetic urine kit is a great tool to help you take these exams effortlessly and without risk.

The Whizzinator is equipped with fake penis and high-quality synthetic urine. This will enable you to succeed in any urine testing. Furthermore, heating pads ensure that the fake urine will be in the body's temperature. Additionally numerous skin-tone fake penis models let you choose an option suitable for discretion.

Create fake urine by mixing 90mL of water and 1 vial Gold'n Shower dehydrated synthetic urine using the kit that is provided approximately two hours prior the test. Once the synthetic urine is made, it is simply transferred to the fill pump to change it from fake penis into penis.


Whizzinator is a top-quality fake urine that has passed the major testing for lab validity. This is a pure product that has compounds that are similar in density to human urine as well as creatinine, urea, salts as well as yellow coloration for the purpose of making the sample look more real. Furthermore, there is heater pads included in the units to ensure that samples are warm prior to the time of testing.

Clean your device between each use to prevent odors as well as transfers of germs between. There are specially-formulated chemicals for cleaning urine, or wash it with water and soap.

Last October in Tarrant County, two federal probationers were snared using Whizzinators for passing drug tests. One of them was deported to prison as a result of probation being revoked, while one could face up to two years in prison. They tricked test subjects using prosthetics concealed under their clothing. However, police soon discovered them and forced their devices visible.

Posted in Default Category on June 04 2024 at 12:19 PM

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