Litchi Cultivation: A Growing Trend in India

Litchi, also known as the subtropical evergreen fruit, grows in the warm regions of the world, including India. It is of Chinese origin, but this fruit was introduced in india at the end of the 17th century. India is 2nd in litchi production after China. Within India, Bihar is the state with the highest production of litchi. People consume it in fresh, dried, or canned forms. This fruit is red and pink in colour, and people also call it the ‘Queen of Fruits’. It Belongs to the Sapindaceae family and Litchi genus. 

There are many types of tractors available in the market with reasonable tractor prices that are very useful in the farming of litchi. Anyone intending to begin litchi farming in India can go through the following blog on this fruit cultivation. 

Litchi Cultivation Steps:

While cultivating litchi, one has to go through various steps. Some of these steps are suitable weather conditions, soil preparation, soil requirements, harvesting time etc. Let’s discuss these steps in detail. 

Climatic Conditions Suitable For Growing Litchi:

‘Queen of Fruits’ grows well in damp climates and requires evenly distributed rainfall. This fruit tree can not tolerate cold. The best temperature for litchi growth and yield is between 30°C and 32°C. Farmers should protect this fruit crop from dry hot summer winds as these winds harm the fruit crop. The optimal weather for this fruit farming is a moist spring, dry summer, and light winter.

Soil Requirements and Ground Preparation:

  • For litchi farming preferred soil type includes well-drained sandy loam or loamy soils, and the soil pH should range between 6. 0 to 7. 5.
  • It should be full of organic matter.
  • This plant requires consistent soil moisture, especially during fruit development stages, for better yield.
  • To ensure fine seedbed, farmers should plow and harrow the land. For ploughing, they can use a Mahindra 265 tractor with a plough. The Mahindra 265 price is very budget-friendly which makes it a good choice for litchi farming. 

Harvesting Period: 

In India, producers generally harvest litchi from mid-May to mid-June. However, this period can differ based on the specific region and local weather conditions. Transportation of litchi fruits from the farm can be done using the Swaraj 855 tractor because the Swaraj 855 price is a bit cheaper.

Posted in Default Category on June 20 2024 at 10:19 AM

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