Steps Involved in Getting Your Metal Claddings Painted

Making a building stand is not a cake walk. It requires efforts, patience and above all the finance that has been accumulated for a life time. But, is this enough? No, making a building may seem to be a dream coming true but mere making the structures stand is not something which is praise worthy. The maintenance is something which should be taken care of. Therefore, in order to save your buildings from wear and tear, you need to ensure that you get your building metal cladded so that the walls remain safe and secure from the wrath of weather and other environmental changes. Shop front cladding is therefore a very important as it will save the structure of your building and at the same time also make it appear more beautiful and attractive too.


Now, that we have understood the importance of cladding, let’s understand how it is done and what are the steps involved in doing this.

Step 1: Surface Preparation

The surface preparation is extremely important as it not only helps in the smooth application of paint but also helps in maintaining the life of the building. So, before you start the spraying and cladding you need to ensure that the wall is clean and free from any kinds of dust, dirt and pollutants. Moreover, you also need to ensure that the surface is free from corrosion and rust. Doing this will ensure that the paint sticks firmly to the wall and the surface remains protected from any damages that can be there due the water and other such things. This step is usually done with the help of techniques such as washing, sandblasting, or wire brushing.

Step 2: Priming

Once the surface is clean and dry, the next step is to apply a primer. A primer is a base coat that helps the paint adhere to the metal cladding, provides a consistent base colour, and helps to prevent rust and corrosion. It is essential to choose a primer that is specifically designed for use on metal surfaces. The primer should be applied in a thin, even coat and allowed to dry completely before applying the paint.

Step 3: Paint Selection

When it comes to selecting the right paint for metal cladding, there are several factors to consider, including the environment, climate, and exposure to the elements. For example, if the metal cladding is in an area with high humidity or frequent rainfall, a paint that is resistant to moisture is required. Similarly, if the metal cladding is in an area that is exposed to high levels of sunlight, a paint that is resistant to fading is recommended. It is also essential to choose a paint that is specifically designed for use on metal surfaces and is compatible with the primer used in the previous step.

Step 4: Application of the Paint

After the cleaning part is done, you need to ensure that the paint applied is thin. The application of thin coat helps in keeping the paint of the walls to last longer. With the help of various instruments and objects such as paint brushes, roller, and spraying machine, the paint is applied on the walls. Doing this ensures that paint is evenly applied on the wall and this also helps it in staying longer in the years to come.

Step 5: Finish Coat

The finish coat is the final coat which is extremely important. This coating is done in order to protect the paint that has been applied from any damages that can be done due to the weather. There are various situations such as the rainy season when the water seepage leads to the damage on the walls and the growth of algae in the walls. Similarly, in the summers, the walls remain exposed to the sun light which damages the buildings due the UV rays and excessive heat. In order to avoid these situations and protect the paint, the walls painted with the protective final coat. This ensures the safety of the building as well as of the paint applied on the walls.

You can easily get these services from the comfort of your homes by finding a good service providing company and you will rest assured that they will provide you with the best options available.

Posted in Default Category on July 12 2024 at 11:10 AM

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