Why DNA Tests Services is Vital for Immigration in New Delhi?

Immigration processes often require complete verification of family relationships to ensure the legitimacy of claims. DNA testing is a vital and valuable tool in this confirmation process. DNA test for immigration is famous in New Delhi, the capital of India. This blog explores the types and procedures of DNA tests in New Delhi for immigration purposes.

Types of DNA Tests for Immigration Purposes

Immigration DNA tests in New Delhi can be tailored to various cases of relationship between the petitioner and the beneficiary. Below are the kinds of DNA tests for immigration purposes:

  • Maternity DNA Test
  • Paternity DNA Test
  • Siblingship DNA Test
  • Grandparentage DNA Test
  • Avuncular DNA Test
  • Kinship DNA Test

Process of Immigration DNA Tests

Following are the procedures forDNA tests in Delhi for immigration purposes:

  • Choosing an Accredited Lab:Choosing a lab accredited by the relevant authorities, such as NATA and the MOJ, is crucial. Accreditation guarantees that the labs adhere to rigorous quality criteria and offer precise results.
  • Sample Collection: DNA samples are typically collected using a buccal swab, a non-invasive and painless method. Buccal swabs are rubbed inside the cheek walls to collect the epithelial cells. This procedure is repeated on both sides of the cheeks. Buccal swabs are simple to use, transport, and manage. They can be stored for a long time.
  • Chain of Custody: A stringent chain of custody is essential to ensuring the integrity of the DNA samples. This documents each step of the DNA sample's journey, guaranteeing it is not tampered with or contaminated from collection to examination.
  • Lab Analysis: Once the DNA samples are collected, they are sent to a lab for analysis. The laboratory uses cutting-edge techniques to compare the DNA profiles of the people involved, confirming the probability of a biological connection.
  • Results and Documentation: The test results are generally available in a few weeks. Accredited labs offer detailed information, including the probability of a relationship, which can then be submitted to immigration officers as proof.

Why Choose DDC Laboratories India for Reliable & Accredited Immigration DNA Tests in New Delhi?

DDC Laboratories India is among the leading and most reputable companies for DNA test services. At competitive prices, we offer accurate, dependable, and conclusive DNA tests in New Delhi for immigration purposes. The following are some crucial aspects that make us among the best companies for accredited immigration DNA tests in New Delhi:

  • We offer accreditedimmigration DNA tests in Delhi for various countries such as Germany, Poland, Ireland, France, Switzerland, etc.
  • We have 250+ collections nationally & internationally. You can visit your nearby collection center and give your DNA samples for testing.
  • Highly skilled and trained scientists perform each DNA test precisely and accurately.
  • Customer confidentiality is among our topmost priorities.
  • We provide the immigration DNA test reports in 8-10 business days.
  • You can also get your report on the same day or the next day (T&C applied).

For further queries or to schedule an appointment, call +91 8010177771. You can also send the messages on WhatsApp at +91 9213177771.

Posted in Default Category on July 22 2024 at 12:05 PM

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