Why should you admit your child to abacus education, and how can it benefit them?

Most of us are aware of the abacus counting of numbers. It is a traditional tool invented long ago and has been in use since then. Abacus has been helping students sharpen their skills and memory power with the help of the rods and the beads. Using this technology, now many institutions have opened their branches in the name of abacus education worldwide. Semas abacus is also one of them, delivering quality maths education and teaching students the importance of maths in the future. 

Semas abacus is not just focused on teaching maths to students from an early age. Instead, they focus on the holistic development of children from early ages through to adolescence. From teaching addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to instilling human values in them, Semas abacus comes a long way in helping children grow as a person.

How does the Semas abacus help children sharpen their memory power and polish their skills?

Abacus has a lot of benefits in educating a child from the early stages of their life to the adult stages. Here, we will see how your kids can benefit from the abacus.

Improved memory power

Abacus helps kids to solve the maths problems. And while solving the maths problems, the kids also improves their memory power simultaneously. While kids keep on playing with the beads and the rods, they keep on memorising the moves they made. The abacus is a great tool for brain development. And kids also tend to learn abacus with immense focus that helps in improving their memory power. 

Encourages engagement

We all can’t deny the fact that engagement is greatly involved with better results. This is the same fact that also applies to abacus learning. The abacus tool makes learning highly enjoyable for the kids, and they love shifting the beads from one sequence to another. Most kids are very vigilant throughout the entire process and it is what keeps them engaged throughout.

Develops analytical thinking

Applying the formulas and one’s learning is a great way to develop analytical thinking capabilities and accuracy. These skills become essential for the students as they grow. It teaches the students how learning can be applied to real-world contexts. And this productive calculation tool supports the development of analytical thinking seamlessly. 

Boosts Creativity

One of the crucial skills of the 21st century is creativity. The abacus tool gives a wonderful opportunity to the kids to extend their creativity. The kids showcase their creative side while working with this tool that helps them to achieve the desired results. It is not just the adults who try to fulfill their creative goals. Kids are also in the same path of achieving their goals. 

Motor and cognitive skills

Other benefits of abacus education also include the support of motor and cognitive skills. The kids use their hand and eye coordination to solve their problems and also apply the same to reach the desired results. All of these support their cognitive power. And in the same way, abacus also helps with the brain development of children.

Instills a love for learning among children

A good foundation for academics is always based on the zeal to learn and the opportunities created for the students. This tool is an excellent support for the kids who possess a positive attitude towards their learning process. Engaging in abacus maths can greatly reduce the stress level in kids and they will develop a love for learning maths.


Abacus has a lot more benefits for the students. This is a glimpse of some of the major benefits that every kid can avail by learning abacus. Semas Abacus is a renowned institution that conducts abacus classes by professionals. These professionals have years of industry experience in teaching students as well as helping them grow as a person in life. 

Posted in Default Category on July 22 2024 at 01:54 PM

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