The Elden Ring: The Location Items and Quest in the Rose Church

This guide details the whereabouts of the Rose Church in Elden Ring, as well as its significance, including the progression of the Varrés quest line and the availability of loot. Rose Church in Elden Ring is likely to be the most visually distinctive of the many landmarks that you will visit during your adventure. However, despite the fact that it has an appalling appearance, it is a vital location for advancing through Varré's questline. In addition, as you progress through the quest, you will discover a wealth of fascinating lore facts as well as unique items to collect.

Key TakeawaysThe Rose Church is a significant building in Liurnia of the Lakes that is primarily utilized to advance through White Mask Varré's quest line. It is one of the major structures in the region.
After entering Liurnia, the following steps need to be taken in order for players to reach the church: Starting from the Site of Grace on the Liurnia Highway South, travellers should head north along the stone-paved road until they reach the Site of Grace on the Liurnia Highway North and, ultimately, the Site of Grace in Gate Town.

After that, enter the water of the lake and head northeast while moving alongside the wreckage until you reach the end of the wall that surrounds Raya Lucaria. After that, make a sharp turn to the left and continue walking until you reach the Rose Church, which is situated on a small island a few meters away. Once they have arrived at the Rose Church, players will have the opportunity to continue their quest line by speaking with Varré and interacting with him.

In addition to that, they have the option of going inside the church to do battle with the Sanguine Noble and collect the Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 12 there. After that, the subsequent steps detailed below are the ones that must be taken in order to advance Varré's quest at this location: After completing all of his opening dialogue, you will be given the Festering Fingers, and you should use them to invade worlds. When you are finished, you should report back to him.


The next step is to speak with him once more to obtain the Lord of Blood's Favor, which is a white sheet that must be doused in the blood of the dead maiden that can be found in the Church of Inhibition.

After the sheet has been completely drenched, the final step is to return to Varré at the Rose Church and complete the conversation with him in order to obtain the Pureblood Knight's Medal. This medal can be used to teleport to Mohgwyn Palace.

After using the aforementioned Medal to acquire Varré's Bouquet, one of the most powerful Arcane weapons available in the game, players are able to advance the rest of this quest line at Mohgwyn Palace. This quest line is part of a larger storyline.

Location of the Rose Church in Elden Ring.

  • You can find the Rose Church on a small island in the deep southwestern region of Liurnia of the Lakes after you have defeated Godrick the Grafted inside of Stormveil Castle and have progressed through the first major in-game area.

  • The Rose Church is located in the region of Liurnia of the Lakes.

  • Follow the road up north from the Liurnia Highway South Site of Grace, which is one of the earliest grace sites in the region, until you reach the Liurnia Highway North Site of Grace just beyond the Sword Monument.

  • The Liurnia Highway South Site of Grace is one of the earliest grace sites in the region.

  • If you keep going in this direction along the road, you will eventually arrive at the Gate Town Bridge Site of Grace, which is situated at the base of the landmass just before the lake.

Posted in Default Category on June 20 2023 at 03:36 PM

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