Open the SBC pack rewards to stock your club

Open the SBC pack rewards to stock your club This method will ensure you spend minimal coins while completing this SBC grind. If you follow this method efficiently, you will also make a profit along the way as well FIFA 23 coins.
Also, if you already have a stocked club of gold players, you can skip Steps 1 ndash 3 and go straight to completing the Premium Winter League Upgrade SBC.
Following these steps will give your club the high-rated players you need to complete any player SBC!This grind begins by doing the Bronze Pack Method. This method involves opening the 750-coin Bronze Pack in the FUT Store.
The Bronze Pack Method is a trading technique where you open Bronze Packs while selling most of the contents in the pack. The 750-coin Bronze Pack contains 12 items meaning you will only need to sell four items at 200 coins to return a profit.
This method is one of the easiest ways to make coins in FIFA 23 and using it in this SBC grind will also help you stock your club with players.
To make coins using while grinding the Winter League Upgrade, you need to sell every Bronze Rare item you pack. While keeping all the common Bronze players except for players from the following leagues:As you open these Bronze Packs and sell the players mentioned above, you will remain near the same coin total or even make a profit.
After you have stocked your club with common Bronzes, you will need to use these in the Winter Bronze Upgrade SBC. This will help you turn those Bronze players into Silver players.
This SBC is really easy to complete as all it requires is 11 Bronze Players. In return, you will gain four Silver items ndash two Rare amp two Common.Once you have turned those Bronzes into Silvers, it is now time to turn the Silvers into Golds.
Using the Silver players from Step 2, put them into the Winter Silver Upgrade SBC. However, do not use players from the following Leagues in this Upgrade SBC:This SBC is also easy to complete as it only requires 11 Silver players. In return, you will receive five Gold Common players buy FUT 23 coins.
Posted in Default Category on August 28 2023 at 01:56 AM

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