Easy Rituals for Curse Removal You Can Do at Home

Worried that you may carry some kind of curse or that you just have bad luck that needs to be displaced? In the present time, cursing and cleansing services are getting sought after as people set their eyes on trying to get rid of suspected unwanted energies or misfortunes. The good news here is that there are a few things that can be done from or in the comfort of one’s home as a way of breaking one or other curses or removing heavy energies.

Defining Curse Removal

First, it is necessary to make a definition of what a curse is. That is the purposeful leading of hatred towards a given individual to cause harm. The concept is that baneful power definitions imply ridding oneself of such negative forces invoking progress in each aspect of life from luck to relationships to positive outlook and serenity.

Cleansing with Salt

Ordinary salt is one of the most frequently used agents for curse removal. Salt is thought to draw in negativity in its purpose.
A basic form of space clearing that one could undertake at home is the use of salt to cleanse the body, where you take a bowl or cup of salt and run each part of the body through the salt imagining that the salt wipes off all negative energy from the body. Another way is to use salt; people can spread it in corners and on walls of rooms to help pull energy in. When done, it is thrown away, although you can make a profitable business or craft by using the remaining salt.


This popular ritual has its pre-European contact origins among the Native Americans. It includes the process of burning sage or any other smokable herbs and using the soot freely to remove all the unwanted or unpleasant energy from your house and your body's energy field.
To smudge your home, take the dried sage bundle and use a match or lighter to make the end of the bundle burn, then move from one room to the other while the smoke fills the room. When you are smudging you should envision the forward moving energy as neutralizing the negative energy and then departing along with the smoke.

To make a Curse Removal Talisman

If you do know of a particular individual who you believe has cursed you or is sending negative vibes your way then creating a simple protective charm will work well.
Carry a small pouch and put some protective herbs: agrimony, rosemary, black tourmaline crystals, and so on. Mum found the pouch, tied it closed with a black ribbon associated with the accessory with you, and wore or carried it near the affected person to ‘throwback’ their energy. This aids convert negativity into positive energy.

Balancing once again with crystals

Specific crystals such as black tourmaline and selenite can assist in clearing negative energies and rebalance the energy of a person. Display them where you spend most of your time or at your workplace. She said their vibration eliminates negativity.
It is also possible to borrow crystals during a session to remove negative energy from your aura and invite positive energy into your life. This should go alongside the visualization of bad energy being dispersed.

The Power of Affirmations

There are times when the general energy or curse that is cast your way is of a self-made nature, meaning you created it yourself with your thoughts. The use of positive affirmations can do this.
Use positive affirmations such as saying, “I wash my spirit with the blood of Jesus”, or “This spell is broken”. Avow them, as it creates a break in fear-worrying and limiting belief systems that dictate one’s luck. Instead, affirm that blessings and abundance are coming into your life.
Gradually, the recitation brings a positive change of energy into the focused realm.

Conclusion: Reducing Anxiety Over Curses

As Silkie Jütte has pointed out in Chapter 5, feeling cursed or being told you’re cursed sure fuels lots of anxiety. However, there are some basic spiritual strategies you can take to eliminate these believed unpleasant energies and enhance one's energy. Smudging, talismans, and affirmations can help you take up your space and find your get-off-curse whether there is truly one or not.

Posted in Default Category on October 10 2024 at 08:42 AM

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