The Magical Journey from DNA to Protein

In the process of DNA extraction, centrifuge plastic tubes play a crucial role. Taking the extraction of plant genomic DNA as an example, researchers extract DNA from fresh leaves. During this process, the leaves are placed into tubes, and specific buffer and grinding agents are added.

Then, freeze and grind the leaves into powder in liquid nitrogen to release DNA. Next, the mixture in the tubes is separated into different layers by the rotational force of the centrifuge, and DNA is extracted into the upper clear liquid. During this process, centrifugal plastic tubes ensure the safety and stability of the sample during centrifugation due to their outstanding sealing performance and high pressure and high-temperature resistance. It is precisely this stability and reliability that enable researchers to accurately extract pure DNA, providing a solid foundation for subsequent experiments.

Taking protein purification experiments as an example, researchers usually place samples containing proteins into centrifuge plastic tubes and separate the target proteins from complex mixtures through a series of operations such as centrifugation, filtration, and chromatography. During this process, centrifuge plastic tubes ensure the integrity and activity of proteins during purification due to their chemical stability and corrosion resistance.

Once, a researcher was purifying a specific protein, but due to the use of poor-quality centrifuge tubes, the protein degraded during the centrifugation process. And when he switched to high-quality centrifuge tubes, the problem was satisfactorily resolved. This experience made him deeply realize the importance of centrifuge plastic tubes in protein purification.

Posted in Default Category on December 16 2024 at 04:05 AM

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