How the Use of Smart Tower Storage Can Help You Improve Your PCBA Process While Also Saving You Tim

No PCBA factory can afford to lose any time or resources during the manufacturing process because the market is currently attempting to catch up with rising customer demands and quickly ship products out the back door. This is due to the fact that the market is currently attempting to catch up with the increasing demands of its customers. This is directly leading to the closure of PCBA factories all over the world. Connecting placement machines to automated storage systems through the use of M2M integration is one method that can help save a significant amount of time during the production process. This will not only shorten the amount of time that lines are out of service for maintenance, but it will also save a sizeable amount of time in general.

When people talk about integrating storage towers, what exactly do they mean by this term?
Let's begin by going over some of the basics: what exactly is it, and how does it function? This should get us off to a good start. If a pick-and-place machine is equipped with the Track, Trace, and Control solution from Cogiscan, and if the machine detects that it is about to run out of components, the machine will automatically emit a low-level alarm to indicate that the components need to be restocked. This alerts the operator that the machine needs to be restocked with the components. The operator will be able to determine from this whether or not the machine needs to have its supplies replenished. This low-level alarm can be transmitted to a storage tower as a request to dispense the necessary reel of components because both the placement machine and the storage tower can be connected with Cogiscan's Co-NECT machine platform and Material Control application. The fact that both of these machines are able to communicate with one another makes this accomplishment conceivable.

Because the data from each of the storage towers is synchronized in the system, this request will be sent to the SMT Reel Storage that possesses the inventory that is most pertinent to its requirements. After that, an operator or an automated guided vehicle (AGV) will gather the necessary materials to ensure that the production line does not experience any downtime at any point. To put this another way, when it comes to the replenishment of your materials, the incorporation of a storage tower into your placement machines gives you the ability to be proactive rather than reactive in relation to the restocking of your supplies. This is because the storage tower allows you to keep track of how much of each material you have on hand.

To give just one illustration, primary sources may be identified, but access to them may be limited.
Let's say you run multiple products on different lines. In spite of the fact that two of the products that you are currently working on use some of the same components, you should still make it your top priority to get PRODUCT1 out the back door because that assembly is due sooner. In spite of the fact that two of the products that you are currently working on use some of the same components.

This can be accomplished in a variety of different ways, one of which is to designate a storage tower solely for the use of this line (whereas other towers may provide service to multiple lines at the same time). There are also other ways that this can be accomplished. This is demonstrated by the fact that the following illustration is provided, which shows that SMD Tower #1 is solely committed to LINE1, which is in charge of operating PRODUCT1; this is shown by the fact that the illustration is provided below. The system has ensured that LINE2 and LINE3 do not receive service from SMD Tower #1 by preventing any material from being released from that tower for their use. This has enabled the system to ensure that LINE2 and LINE3 do not receive service from SMD Tower #1. The lines LINE2 and LINE3If you take this preventative measure, you can be certain that the necessary components for the manufacturing of PRODUCT1 will not be stolen because of the demand for the same components from other products. This gives you peace of mind.

It was also developed so that you could enable the system to choose the tower that is closest to a given line rather than one that is on the other side of the shop floor when it came to the assignment of primary sources. This was done so that the system would be more efficient. This was done in order to ensure that the system would choose the appropriate tower on its own. This was done in order to improve our overall level of productivity and efficiency. This saves the operator not only time but also the hassle of having to walk all over the place in order to collect the material. Not only does this save the operator time, but it also saves the operator hassle. This not only saves time, but it also reduces the amount of hassle involved.

Example 2: Reducing Expenses and Saving Time and Money by Avoiding the Need to Make Multiple Trips Thanks to a Consolidated Request

When it comes to recruiting employees, a number of electronic manufacturers with factories located in different parts of the world are currently facing one of the most significant challenges that can possibly be encountered. Eliminating tasks that are both time-consuming and pointless and that take up an excessive amount of your operators' time is one approach to resolving this issue.

When you integrate your storage tower, you can cut down on the number of trips that the placement machine needs to make to the supply room in order to restock its materials, which results in significant time and financial savings. Using just one tower allows for the consolidation of a number of low-level alarms that are occurring simultaneously into a single location. This is made possible by using just one tower. As a consequence, a single operator will be able to operate his or her line while making fewer trips for replenishment, which should hopefully mean that your operators will be able to manage more lines at the same time. Your need for labor will be reduced as a direct result of this because it will lead to increased productivity on the part of your operators, who will also feel better about their jobs as a result of the positive effects that this will have on them.

The absolute final word
In conclusion, the utilization of M2M integration between your SMD storage towers and your placement machines can be beneficial in a variety of ways and in a number of different contexts. These benefits can be gained from the integration of M2M. It helps you avoid line downtime, which is an important consideration given the current economy and skills shortage, and it helps you optimize your overall production operation so that you can close the gap on those backlogs that you have had for some time now. Both of these factors are important considerations in light of the current economy and the shortage of skilled workers. In light of the state of the economy and the lack of available skilled laborers, these two aspects constitute important considerations to take into account. These are merely a few of the numerous benefits that can be attained as a direct result of utilizing it.

Posted in Default Category on September 29 2022 at 06:09 AM

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