In a new city or unfamiliar area, we all sometimes have to rely on luck when entering a new coffee shop. To avoid guessing by reading the coffee grounds, it is worth considering the specific signs of a good establishment.
1. The pleasant smell of coffee
The first thing that greets you on the threshold of a coffee shop is the aroma. If they brew from freshly ground beans, the smell will be incredibly pleasant, full-bodied, enveloping you from all sides, like a favorite blanket. It is impossible to leave. And all because the strongest aromatic substances are released from freshly ground coffee. And in the right coffee shop, it is ground constantly, for each new pair of cups.
If the smell is weak and inexpressive, it means that the barista ground the coffee in the morning for the whole day, and the sensations from the ordered coffee will be completely different. By the way, you will most likely see this ground coffee near the coffee machine.
2. Modern coffee machine
Of course, professional. And nothing else. When you see a machine that dispenses coffee by pressing one or two buttons, walk away from that coffee shop without looking back. It is clearly more focused on speed of service than on the quality of the coffee.
Also, many doubts are caused by outdated and cheap models of cars, but in order to understand which one is in front of you, you need to study this issue a little deeper. However, scuffs and a tired look of the device are usually obvious.
3. Two-horned holder
A holder (also known as a portafilter or horn) is a small metal washer with a handle that is filled with ground beans and then inserted into the coffee machine.
Just ten years ago, a single-horn holder (that is, with one "spout" through which coffee is poured into a cup) was considered a completely normal thing, but today it is a sign of a cheap coffee shop that skimped on organizing proper preparation. In a decent establishment, the holder will always have two spouts and a full 18-gram filter basket. This is explained by the fact that a two-horn portafilter has a smooth cylindrical shape, and not conical, like a single-horn one, and this shape ensures a more even extraction.
In a good coffee shop, the holders are always ready to work, because they are in their ports and hot. If you see a holder lying on the grate of the coffee machine or on the tabletop, this is a big minus in the karma of the establishment, because a portafilter not inserted into the machine cools down very quickly, and the coffee turns out tasteless.
4. Scales near the coffee machine
A sign that even the most experienced barista cares about making the most delicious coffee for you, without relying on his or her eye. Scales help measure out exactly the amount of ground beans needed for a shot of espresso. Without any “plus or minus.”
5. A barista in an apron as a walking reference book
Whatever coffee menu items you ask about, the person on the other side of the counter will be able to answer your question. About the type of bean, the roast, the machine settings. And, of course, he (or she) will be happy to help you choose a drink if you don’t know exactly what you want today. And an apron is a sign of cleanliness.
6. Cleanliness in the workplace
Of course, a good coffee shop should be clean everywhere, but the place near the coffee machine is sacred. An attentive and responsible barista immediately wipes off all stains and grain crumbs. And also cleans the steamer tube (aka cappuccino maker).
Dried milk on the straw hints that you are not welcome here. And, by the way, an experienced barista has a separate clean terry cloth nearby for the steamer.
7. Beautiful latte art
It is not necessary and not every drink requires a drawing, but the barista must have latte art skills. Let it be the simplest heart, but “drawn” flawlessly. Such skill is a sign of a high level of requirements for staff barista training in a coffee shop.
And even if you asked for a cappuccino to go in a glass with a lid, latte art is a must-have.
8. Homemade syrups
Syrup is an important component of many coffee drinks. It is great if the syrups in the coffee shop are represented by worthy brands, and not the cheapest ones. However, it is even better when they are prepared by the owners of the coffee shop. Here you can count on interesting and deep flavors.
What else is important when choosing a coffee shop?
See a customer nodding to the barista like an old friend? Great. Most likely, this person buys coffee here regularly, which means he is quite satisfied with the quality. A short queue at the checkout is also a sign of the establishment's popularity.
In a cozy coffee shop with a plus sign, you will feel at home: you will want to quickly take the best table. The lighting in such a coffee shop is relaxing, and the music is unobtrusive and does not interfere with communication.
Spectacular tableware
If it's a takeaway cup, then it's a branded one or just a quality one, not made of cheap cardboard. If it's a cup and plate, then interesting ones that match the establishment's style.
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