The Way To Maintain The LED All-In-One Machine

Office Environment Of LED All-In-One Machine

Office environment on the LED all-in-one machine life of the impact can not be ignored. LED all-in-one machine's ideal working temperature is 10 ° C - 35 ° C, too high or too low will affect the life of computer accessories. The relative humidity is 30%- 75%, too high will affect the performance of the CPU, graphics card, and other accessories play and even cause some accessories to short circuit; too low easy to generates static electricity, and the same is not conducive to the use of accessories. In addition, the dust content in the air also has a greater impact on the computer. Too much dust, over time, will corrode the accessories, and the chip circuit board; content is too little, it will generate electrostatic reactions. Therefore, it is best to keep the office room clean and tidy.

Screen Maintenance Of LED All-In-One Machine

When not using the LED all-in-one machine for a long time, you can turn off the power of the LCD screen of the LED all-in-one machine to save power and extend the life of the screen. Do not touch the screen surface with fingernails and sharp objects to avoid scratching. LED all-in-one machine display screen surface will absorb dust due to static electricity, it is recommended to buy LED all-in-one machine display screen special wiping cloth to clean the screen.

System Maintenance Of LED All-In-One Machine

Nowadays, many software systems of LED all-in-one machines have other software installed with them, so do not just click on the next step when installing software, but first look at what needs to be installed in each step of the software and cancel the unnecessary things before proceeding to the next step.

Posted in Default Category on October 26 2022 at 07:41 AM

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