The Franchise mode in Madden 23 is the mode that a large number of players look forward to

Franchise mode in free MUT coins 23 is, for many players, the marquee mode to play every single year, and a Connected Franchise (CFM) can be even more exciting because it allows you to join a league with up to 31 other players and create your own NFL universe complete with star rookies, burgeoning dynasties, and heated rivalries. Additionally, a Connected Franchise (CFM) can be even more exciting because it allows you to join a league with up to 31 other players and createBecause of this glitch, the players are having a difficult time. Frequently, the final scores are not being saved, and in some instances, the league is even traveling back in time, such as moving from the middle of the regular season to suddenly moving into the middle of the NFL Draft that took place the year before. Another example would be moving from the middle of the regular season to suddenly moving into the middle of the playoffs that took place the year before that.

Although it would be an understatement to say that this is extremely frustrating for CFM players, that is exactly how they feel about the situation. The fact that a player's stats, scores, and other achievements can be wiped out in an instant due to what appears to be a problem with cloud syncing can be an extremely upsetting experience for that player. A prominent CFM league believes it may have found a temporary solution to the glitch that occurs during the Franchise mode of the game, at least in situations in which a game's final score and stats do not appear to have been saved. This is the case in situations in which a game's final score and stats do not appear to have been saved. We will continue to keep you updated on any new information as it becomes available.

To begin, please allow me to explain what the symptoms of this bug are when it manifests itself in the game as well as how the gameplay is affected by it. Imagine this: it is Week 3 of the regular season, and you have just finished competing against an opponent in a game. Think about how you feel right now. After you have navigated back to the Franchise menu, you should be able to view a variety of elements, including the box score and newly available upgrades for players, once you have done so. Instead, many players are discovering, all too frequently, that the game they have just finished playing is still present in the menu, waiting to be played as though it has never been played before. This is happening despite the fact that the game has already been played. The mut coins Loyalty League (MLL) may actually have a solution to this problem, at least in the situations in which the final score isn't showing up in the post-game menu before players get back to the main menu. When the player returns to the main menu, they will find themselves in this situation. The vast majority of leagues, including the one I play in, have been searching the internet for a solution to this problem, and it would appear that the MLL may have found a solution.

This should bring back the final score and cause it to show up in the spot where it was missing before; the before and after shots of this situation can be found in the image that can be found further down on this page. At this point, it is of the utmost importance that it be preserved.




I play the NEW, IMPOSSIBLE, Madden 23 Gauntlet... Wish me luck.




It should be brought to your attention that the MLL, in addition to commenters on Twitter, have suggested that this fix is not guaranteed to work. This indicates that unfortunately, your experience may be different from mine. It is important that this information be brought to your attention. If it still doesn't work, keep reading. When I went back to the CFM main menu after my Week 3 game was over, I found out that none of it had been saved, and the game was advising me to get ready to play the Ravens, the team that I had just beaten in a difficult matchup. I was surprised to find out that none of it had been saved, especially because the game had just finished advising me to get ready to play the Ravens. It was the very first time that I had been affected by this bug, and the feeling that it evoked in me was that of utter and total helplessness. This was the very first time that I had been affected by this bug. However, after about two minutes of playing, I decided to restart the game using the Quick Resume feature on my Xbox in order to gain a better understanding of what had gone wrong and how to prevent it from happening again.

I was aware that the game needed to reconnect to EA's servers, so I signaled to it to proceed with the required actions so that it could be completed. Keeping this in mind, I would like to extend an invitation to you to test out the following strategy in the event that you find yourself back in the CFM menu and are required to play a game once more:

Make sure your console is turned off before you exit Madden 23, and then go ahead and exit the game. Because of this action, the game's connection to the servers ought to be severed at this point.

You only need to power on your console once more and then navigate to the mut coins store 23 menu in order to reestablish a connection to the EA servers.


Find out where your team currently stands in the competition and investigate it.


  1. As a result of the fact that the utilization of this method has not been demonstrated to be one hundred percent reliable in my league, it is possible to draw the conclusion that players of Madden do not currently have access to a fix that is one hundred percent reliable

  2. We are keeping our fingers crossed that EA will get back to us very soon with an explanation of why this problem is having an effect on the game mode

  3. In spite of this, it appears that EA's  NFL 23 is going to be a strong entry, and this is most certainly something that calls for some sort of celebration

  4. Despite the fact that the game has other issues, the gameplay on the field is being hailed as the best it has been in years, which is drawing praise from critics despite the fact that the game has other flaws

Posted in Default Category on October 31 2022 at 04:45 AM

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