Child support laws in California are quite complex and confusing, so it’s completely natural that you find yourself at loggerheads with the person you need to pay or receive child support from. The California family code lays down that both parents must support their children in a manner that’s suitable to the situation of the children. The vast laws and complex procedures make it difficult to understand your rights as a parent in Orange County.
With the help of a child support attorney Orange County, you can navigate through the whole process smoothly and enforce your parental rights.
Child support is the amount paid by one parent to the other to cover the expenses of raising the child. California has established guidelines that determine the support amount that one parent pays to the other. The factors that determine this amount are income, expenses, number of children, lifestyle, etc.
How is Child Support Calculated in Orange County?
In Orange County, child support is determined by the following factors:
· The income of both parents
· Number of children
· Other factors (medical insurance, daycare costs)
The California Family Code also lays down specific guidelines for child support. Firstly, the court determines the net disposable income of each parent, based on which they calculate the child support they need to pay. The figure is then divided between the two parents based on their proportion of combined net income. Other variables such as the age of the children, any special needs of the children, or other financial resources available to the parents are also considered.
An experienced child support attorney in Orange County can help you explain the procedure and how the law applies to your case to ensure that the final order falls within the best interests of your children.
An experienced child support lawyer in Orange County can help you grasp how the law applies to your case & make sure that any order is in the best interests(benefits) of your children.
Call (714) 733-7066 or send an email to for a free initial consultation with our attorneys today.
Company Name:- JOS Family Law
Address:- 1918 W Chapman Ave Suite 200, Orange, CA 92868
Phone:- (714) 733-7066
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