Affinity Photo Tutorial – Colour Grading

WORDS & IMAGES AND VIDEOS: MATTY GRAHAM THOSE WHO ARE working photographers will know only too well that there will be times when you’ve been on a shoot and downloaded the images, only to be disappointed with the look or feel of the colours in the frame. This is where the art of grading comes into play and, by manipulating the colour within an image, you can control the narrative of your shot. While there are, of course, multiple ways to approach colour grading, one of the best routes for the pro is to lean on the power of Affinity Photo 2 and to employ a gradient map adjustment. Not only does this approach offer a high degree of control, but it’s also quick and speedy to do, something that’s an important factor for professional photographers faced with a large number of frames to edit. Let’s take a look at how this technique comes together.