Graffiti with the Image of the Criminal Ratko Mladic all over the Republika Srpska

Graffiti with the image of Ratko Mladić, a convicted war criminal, is still present on numerous objects throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. entity Republika Srpska, including the City Stadium in Banja Luka, was announced by the Association of Genocide Victims and Witnesses. Thus, at the City Stadium in Banja Luka, in the place where visiting fans pass by when they enter their stand, you can see shameful inscriptions and graffiti. “The graffiti of the criminal Ratko Mladić and the message ‘Death to the guests’ greet all away fans who arrive at this stadium, and that is something that should definitely have no place in a public space, especially not in a stadium. Despite the fact that Mladić was legally convicted of genocide and crimes against humanity before the Hague Tribunal, the authorities of this entity remain silent on such shameful displays,” the Association stated. They believe that in any legal state, the glorification of convicted war criminals would be strictly sanctioned, but in this case there is no adequate reaction. “Critics point out that it is difficult to expect the police (police of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian entity of the RS, op.a.), which was also the subject of judgments by the Hague Tribunal for genocide, to discover and punish the perpetrators behind these graffiti,” they stated. In mid-2021, the former commander of the Army of the Republika Srpska, Ratko Mladić, was sentenced before the Hague Tribunal to life imprisonment for genocide and crimes against humanity against the non-Serb population in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition to Ratko Mladić, the Hague Tribunal convicted 13 other former members of the police and the Army of Republika Srpska for the genocide in Srebrenica. Radovan Karadžić, the former president of Republika Srpska, was also sentenced to life imprisonment. So far, more than 50 people have been sentenced to more than 700 years in prison for genocide and crimes in Srebrenica.

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