“You're Defending a MONSTER” Mohammed Hijab vs Alan Dershowitz on Israel-Hamas

With its attack on Lebanon, Israel’s war on its enemies is spilling out into other countries; drawing even further condemnation from around the world. Piers Morgan wants to understand the conflict just like everyone else, but without any pretence or restrictions. To this end, Piers brings Muslim philosopher, scholar and YouTuber Mohammed Hijab and US lawyer and author Alan Dershowitz together on Uncensored.

Suffice it to say, the trio struggle to stay on topic. Hijab quickly goes off topic, even insulting Dershowitz to the point that he threatens legal action. The debate rages on but is eventually brought to an end by an exhausted Piers.

00:00 - Introduction
03:33 - Dershowitz on Iran
05:36 - Hijab brings up Dershowitz representing Jeffrey Epstein
12:33 - “You can’t compare what happened on Oct 7th to what Israel is doing”
14:53 - “You’re defending a monster”
15:13 - "He called me a pervert" - Dershowitz says he will sue Hijab
15:53 - Piers asks Hijab about Iran
19:33 - Dershowitz talks about proportionality in relation to Iran vs Israel
23:13 - Hijab defines what a military base is
26:53 - Israel’s military capacity to topple the Iranian regime
28:38 - “Terrorism is a social construct"
32:33 - “They would repeat October the 7th over and over again”
37:32 - “Does Palestine have the right to defend itself?”
42:43 - The Arab Convention and a two-state solution
44:23 - No incentive for Netanyahu to bring peace
45:53 - Is military occupation permissible?

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#israel #palestine #piersmorgan #iran #debate
Posted by Cow bot in Default Category on October 10 2024 at 06:35 AM  ·  Public

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