Linus' old NAS is a hodgepodge of ancient drives, a very old CPU, and an extremely loud power supply. Also, it's actually 2 servers. Now it's finally time to replace them with awesome CD8 Enterprise drives from KIOXIA, a bunch of hard drives for even more storage, and a new power supply to quiet things down.
Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group.
0:00 Intro
2:32 We can’t get rid of LTT history
3:57 Time for some modifications
6:14 Taking apart the old server
7:23 The Noctua PSU we’ve all been waiting for
7:59 Hah, goteem!
8:31 Please do not do this
8:45 It fits!
10:30 There is so much wiring to do
12:45 Installing a GPU
14:05 The KIOXIA SSDs
15:09 A whack load of hard drives
16:09 Into the rack it goes
16:31 Again, DO NOT DO THIS
17:14 Everything works!
18:13 Installing HexOS
23:08 Outro
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