Current Situation Of China's Pencil Industry

The rapid spread of computers in the information age and paperless offices have led to a reduction in the frequency of writing, but colour pencils have not retired from the stage of history and still exist in a high profile with an annual production of ten billion pieces. Although the rapid changes in technology have brought about leaps and bounds in the development of writing tools, the advantages of colour pencils still cannot be overshadowed, colour pencils write smoothly and do not require electricity, as long as you hold them in your hand, you can write as you wish.

The colour pencil is the preferred writing instrument of many writers, and Goethe once expressed his love for the colour pencil in his "Poem. Song and Truth", Goethe unabashedly expressed his love for the colour pencil, saying, "I would rather grasp a colour pencil, which pours down like an It flows smoothly." Colour pencils are popular among all classes, not only writers because they are inexpensive and easy to use. Colour pencils as a popular product, and it has excellent market prospect at home and abroad.

China's Colour Pencil Industry

During the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period, China's colour pencil industry development momentum is strong. Statistics during this period show that by 2010, the global production of pencils was about 31.68 billion; China's colour pencil production accounted for about 80% of the global production, about 25.344 billion, while the total production of pencils in other countries accounted for only 20% of the global production, about 6.336 billion.

The second national economic census in 2008 showed that the country has a total of 294 colour pencil production enterprises; 106 of them have sales of more than 5 million, with a total output of 13.719 billion. The country has a total of eight famous pen industry production areas: China's pen capital Wenzhou, pen township Fenshui, Zhejiang, China stationery capital one Ningbo, Huaxia pen capital one Jiangxi Wengang town, pen production base one Lishui, pen centre one Shanghai Fengxian, pen industry and trade base one Yiwu, pen R & D base one Guangdong Shixing. The province with the most domestic colour pencil production enterprises is Zhejiang, with a total of 77, accounting for 26% of the total number of domestic colour pencil production enterprises. Other colour pencil production enterprises are mainly located in Shandong, Heilongjiang, Guangdong, Shanghai, Jiangxi, Jilin, Jiangsu, Hunan, and Henan nine provinces and cities.

As one of the most important colour pencil production areas in Zhejiang, in 2010, the total output of colour pencil production enterprises above the scale (sales of more than 5 million) was as high as 4.016 billion, accounting for 22.24% of the country's total pencil production.

China Colour Pencil Import And Export Situation

In 2010, colour pencils accounted for 17.25% of the export value of China's pen industry, ranking third in the colour pencil industry export ranking.

In 2010, China's colour pencil exports increased by 32.99% compared to 2009.

Because of the foreign protection of resource-based products, the European and American markets are increasing demand for our colour pencils. During the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period, except for 2008 and 2009 when the financial crisis led to a slight decline in colour pencil exports, colour pencil exports in general still showed an upward trend; the average annual growth rate of pencil exports was 6.4%.

China's colour pencil imports increased by 4.18% in 2010 compared to 2009.

"During the 'Eleventh Five-Year Plan period, the average annual growth rate of colour pencil export prices was 6.75%, and the average annual growth rate of import prices was 14.54%." The average annual growth rate of colour pencil import prices is more than two times the average annual growth rate of export prices, from this data it can be seen that China's colour pencil exports continue to maintain the trend of mainly low-end products.

China Colour Pencil Market Outlook Analysis

The data released by the National Bureau of Statistics show that the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period furniture, leather, hardware, sports and cultural industries are China's five most competitive light industries, including the colour pencil industry, with an average annual growth rate of 15.4%.

The Colour pencil industry has very strong market competitiveness and development potential, China's 2010 colour pencil industry sales margin reached 5.77%, a value much higher than the average sales margin of China's industrial manufacturing industry.

In the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period, China's colour pencil industry sales profits grew at an average annual rate of up to 18.96% (Figure 1-9).

In addition, the development of China's colour pencil industry and the state's investment in education are closely related to the state's investment in education for each 0.5 percentage point increase, China's colour pencil industry sales value can increase by about 2.5 billion yuan (Figure 1-10). With the country's increasing investment in education during the "12th Five-Year Plan" period, China's colour pencil industry is bound to usher in greater opportunities for development.


Posted in Default Category on September 14 2022 at 07:04 AM

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