Is There a Set Amount of Funds That a Single-family Office Must Have?

Spoiler alert: it depends. Each family office has a different size, structure, set of responsibilities, and amount of capital under management because every family is unique.

Professional perspectives range from a minimum of USD 30 million in cash assets to USD 100 million to USD 500 million to establish a single-family office.

We think the assessment and decision-making process should be based on actual computations and individual situations.

The size of the family, the family's generational aspects, the countries of residence of the family members, communication within the family, and shared interests are a few of the elements to take into account. Along with the single-family office's organizational structure and incorporation place, managed asset classes, their locations, the distribution of potential costs, and last but not least, everyone's demands.

Although it's not our desire to keep saying it, the structure and pricing depend on various unique personal circumstances. To know about the main cost blocks of a single-family office, read the blog following the link below.

Read the blog:-

Posted in Default Category on October 12 2022 at 12:19 PM

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