In Elden Ring, environmental and weather-based changes play an important role in both the world-building and gameplay dynamics. These changes are often tied to specific events, quests, or charact...
Boss Encounters and Strategy in Elden Ring: NightreignIn Elden Ring: Nightreign, boss encounters are a major focal point of the gameplay loop, often serving as the culmination of each day’s chall...
Catapult on the West Side:
The final catapult is on the west side, with a Raya Lucarian Knight on foot. Don't forget to loot the 3 Cuckoo Flintstone from the corpse nearby and find the Crimson T...
Strategy for Each Class
Wylder: Use your mobility to stay close to the feet, dodging the stomp attacks and helping to clear the detached limbs. If possible, use the grappling hook to quickly rep...
3. Use Pillars for Quick DodgesPillars and obstacles are good for dodging and buying time to heal or use magic. When Mohg’s attacks start to come in fast and furious, these pillars can be used as...