In today's episode of 4Ds, I talk with entrepreneurs and social media marketers looking to grow their businesses about how one post can change everything, what your number one goal as a channel should be, and how it's not about "or" but "and." I share my two cents on how to stop being a bottleneck for your content, and how to curate and grow platforms like a podcast or a...
This is a huge opportunity for so many who see this post …one day the Fortune 500 will realize that brand is now built on the channels on the phone like it used to be on the channels on the TV, this will reshape the landscape of growth but until that day, everyone that understands how to outflank on creative strategy on the 7 platforms that matter today (Tiktok, Insta, FB, YouTube, Linkedin, Twitt
The booing aka negative comments only carry weight because people want positive comments … what about if you don’t worry about either and do shit for yourself and focus on yourself ❣️❣️❣️❣️ “others” are fucking you up!